Getting Started#
This guide requires curl
and grpcurl
to be installed.
will require the Protobuf definitions of the Ridepooling API as input which we provide as a zip archive.
The zip archive includes:
Protobuf definitions of the Ridepooling API,
Common types used in the Ridepooling API.
You can download the zip archive here:
For later usage, unzip the zip archive e.g:
unzip ./ -d .
Getting Access#
The Ridepooling API is only available to Integrators. If you are interested in becoming an Integrator, please contact us.
After your registration was processed, MOIA will provision credentials for evaluating / integrating with the Ridepooling API product.
Evaluation Credentials Evaluation credentials are valid for a limited time period and will allow testing of the Ridepooling API. With evaluation credentials you can immediately get started, following these steps.
Setup Credentials#
Retrieve the API token using the following request providing the credentials using the Authorization
header. Replace $CLIENT_ID
with the credentials provided.
curl \
--http2 \
--request POST \
--location "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials"
You will need an <ACCESS_TOKEN>
for all subsequent requests.
Set the token as an environment variable for convenience in the following steps.
with the token you received through authentication, in the previous step.
Authentication Problems
In cases when a 401
error is repeatedly returned, please retry the Authentication steps. If this problem persists, please contact us as there may be a problem with your credentials.
Structure of Basic API Call#
To place an API call with grpcurl
set the following options:
Provide the Bearer token for authorization in the header with
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>
Only for customer-scope endpoints: Provide the Customer ID in the metadata with
-H "Customer-Id: <CUSTOMER_ID>"
Provide the paths in which the protobuf definitions are located, e.g.
. Make sure that all required definitions are located at this path.Provide the JSON formatted request data with
State the name of the protobuf source file for the corresponding gRPC service:
-proto moia/ridepooling/trip/v1beta2/trip.proto
for Trip Service
For convenience, set
to show default values in the responses.
Taking into considerations all of the above, this represents a sample grpcurl
# export OFFER_TOKEN="<replace with token>"
grpcurl \
-H "authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "Customer-Id: ${CUSTOMER_ID}" \
-import-path ./protos/ \
-proto "moia/ridepooling/trip/v1beta2/trip.proto" \
-d "{\"offer_token\":\"$OFFER_TOKEN\"}" \ moia.ridepooling.trip.v1beta2.TripService/OrderTrip
Ridepooling API uses TLS for transport encryption. grpcurl
enables TLS by default. If you use another client to evaluate the API make sure TLS is enabled.