API Usage#

This guide assumes you set up a client and are authenticated to the Ridepooling API. If you haven’t done so, please follow the Basic Client example first.


Request offers with the RequestTripOffers method.


We are currently working on this section. New updates are coming soon.

var metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.set('customer-id', 'your-customer-id')

const offers = await client.requestTripOffers({
  origin: {
    location: {
      latitude: 53.6344823,
      longitude: 10.0555216,
    primaryAddress: "Stüberedder 14",
    secondaryAddress: "22337 Hamburg",
    primaryPoiName: "Point A",
    secondaryPoiName: "Hamburg, Germany",
  destination: {
    location: {
      latitude: 53.6342303,
      longitude: 10.0741517,
    primaryAddress: "Eckerkamp 38",
    secondaryAddress: "22391 Hamburg",
    primaryPoiName: "Point B",
    secondaryPoiName: "Hamburg, Germany",
  load: [
      adult: {
        wheelchair: Wheelchair.WHEELCHAIR_NOT_NEEDED,
      child: {
        childSeat: ChildSeat.CHILD_SEAT_FORWARDS,
  departureTime: Date.now().toString(),
}, metadata);


Order one Offer with the OrderTrip method.


We are currently working on this section. New updates are coming soon.

var metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.set('customer-id', 'your-customer-id')

const orderResponse = await client.orderTrip({offerToken: offers.offers[0].token}, metadata);
console.log(orderResponse) // { tripId: '7bc0118b-748e-4c13-bc5e-bb2164f04927' }

Cancel as Customer#

Cancel a Trip on behalf a Customer with the CancelTripAsCustomer method.


We are currently working on this section. New updates are coming soon.

var metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.set('customer-id', 'your-customer-id')

const cancelResponse = await client.cancelTripAsCustomer({tripId: orderResponse.tripId}, metadata);
console.log(cancelResponse) // {} empty response

Cancel as Integrator#

Cancel a Trip as Integrator with the CancelTripAsIntegrator method.


We are currently working on this section. New updates are coming soon.

const cancelResponse = await client.cancelTripAsIntegrator({tripId: orderResponse.tripId});
console.log(cancelResponse) // {} empty response