API Usage#
This guide assumes you set up a client and are authenticated to the Ridepooling API. If you haven’t done so, please follow the Basic Client example first.
Request offers with the RequestTripOffers
// define origin and destination location details
primaryAddressOrigin := "Stüberedder 14"
secondaryAddressOrigin := "22337 Hamburg"
primaryPoiNameOrigin := "Point A"
secondaryPoiNameOrigin := "Hamburg, Germany"
primaryAddressDestination := "Eckerkamp 38"
secondaryAddressDestination := "22391 Hamburg"
primaryPoiNameDestination := "Point B"
secondaryPoiNameDestination := "Hamburg, Germany"
tripOfferRequest := &tripv1beta2.RequestTripOffersRequest{
Origin: &tripv1beta2.NamedLocation{
Location: &types_v1.LatLon{
Latitude: 53.6344823,
Longitude: 10.0555216,
PrimaryAddress: &primaryAddressOrigin,
SecondaryAddress: &secondaryAddressOrigin,
PrimaryPoiName: &primaryPoiNameOrigin,
SecondaryPoiName: &secondaryPoiNameOrigin,
Destination: &tripv1beta2.NamedLocation{
Location: &types_v1.LatLon{
Latitude: 53.6342303,
Longitude: 10.0741517,
PrimaryAddress: &primaryAddressDestination,
SecondaryAddress: &secondaryAddressDestination,
PrimaryPoiName: &primaryPoiNameDestination,
SecondaryPoiName: &secondaryPoiNameDestination,
Load: []*tripv1beta2.Load{
LoadType: &tripv1beta2.Load_Adult{
Adult: &tripv1beta2.Adult{
Wheelchair: tripv1beta2.Wheelchair_WHEELCHAIR_NOT_NEEDED,
LoadType: &tripv1beta2.Load_Child{
Child: &tripv1beta2.Child{
Wheelchair: tripv1beta2.Wheelchair_WHEELCHAIR_NOT_NEEDED,
ChildSeat: tripv1beta2.ChildSeat_CHILD_SEAT_NOT_NEEDED,
Time: &tripv1beta2.RequestTripOffersRequest_DepartureTime{
// departure in 1 minute
DepartureTime: timestamppb.New(time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 1)),
// replace with the ID of the customer who is requesting trip offers
ctxWithCustomer := metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "customer-id", currCustomer)
tripOffersResponse, err := tripClient.RequestTripOffers(
ctxWithCustomer, tripOfferRequest,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not request trip offers %v", err)
log.Printf("Received %d Trip Offers", len(tripOffersResponse.Offers))
const offers = await client.requestTripOffers(
origin: {
location: {
latitude: 53.6344823,
longitude: 10.0555216,
primaryAddress: "Stüberedder 14",
secondaryAddress: "22337 Hamburg",
primaryPoiName: "Point A",
secondaryPoiName: "Hamburg, Germany",
destination: {
location: {
latitude: 53.6342303,
longitude: 10.0741517,
primaryAddress: "Eckerkamp 38",
secondaryAddress: "22391 Hamburg",
primaryPoiName: "Point B",
secondaryPoiName: "Hamburg, Germany",
load: [
adult: {
wheelchair: Wheelchair.WHEELCHAIR_NOT_NEEDED,
child: {
wheelchair: Wheelchair.WHEELCHAIR_NOT_NEEDED,
childSeat: ChildSeat.CHILD_SEAT_NOT_NEEDED,
departureTime: new Date(),
metadata: new grpc.Metadata({
// replace `currCustomerId` with the ID of the customer who is requesting trip offers
"customer-id": currCustomerId,
console.log(offers); // { offers: [ ... ] }
Order one Offer with the OrderTrip
offerToOrder := tripOffersResponse.GetOffers()[0].GetToken()
// replace with the ID of the customer who is ordering the trip
ctxWithCustomer = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "customer-id", currCustomer)
orderTripResponse, err := tripClient.OrderTrip(
OfferToken: offerToOrder,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not order trip %v", err)
log.Printf("Successfully ordered trip: %v", jsonMarshalOptions.Format(orderTripResponse)) // { tripId: '7bc0118b-748e-4c13-bc5e-bb2164f04927' }
const orderResponse = await client.orderTrip(
offerToken: offers.offers[0].token,
metadata: new grpc.Metadata({
// replace `currCustomerId` with the ID of the customer who is ordering the trip
"customer-id": currCustomerId,
console.log(orderResponse); // { tripId: '7bc0118b-748e-4c13-bc5e-bb2164f04927' }
Cancel as Customer#
Cancel a Trip on behalf a Customer with the CancelTripAsCustomer
// replace with the ID of the customer who is canceling the trip
ctxWithCustomer = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "customer-id", currCustomer)
_, err = tripClient.CancelTripAsCustomer(
TripId: tripId, // replace with tripId to cancel
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not cancel trip as customer %v", err)
log.Print("Successfully canceled trip as customer")
const cancelAsCustomerResponse = await client.cancelTripAsCustomer(
{ tripId: orderResponse.tripId },
metadata: new grpc.Metadata({
// replace `currCustomerId` with the ID of the customer who is cancelling the trip
"customer-id": currCustomerId,
console.log(cancelAsCustomerResponse); // {} empty response
Cancel as Integrator#
Cancel a Trip as Integrator with the CancelTripAsIntegrator
_, err = tripClient.CancelTripAsIntegrator(
TripId: tripId, // replace with tripId to cancel
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not cancel trip as integrator %v", err)
log.Print("Successfully canceled trip as integrator")
const cancelAsIntegratorResponse = await client.cancelTripAsIntegrator({
tripId: orderResponse.tripId,
console.log(cancelAsIntegratorResponse); // {} empty response